I'm saddened today by the events in #Baltimore. I'm hurt that after hundreds of years of slavery and Jim Crow Law that my American people are still oppressed. I'm hurt that after thousands of elected officials and millions of leaders have done everything possible to point out the injustice of racism American people are still oppressed. And above all I'm hurt that after all of our technology advances and intellectual prowess we are still unable to overcome this basic human flaw of racial superiority. I'm disgusted that after all of these years and all of these efforts for change that my American people are forced to resort to violence as a way to find resolution. I've heard many label these frustrated American people as thugs, looters, ignorant, lawless & fools. I have just one question - what would you do if you were taught never to judge a book by its cover, but only to find out that your cover has been turned into a vile antagonist of society & it is all the rest of the world sees? #PrayforAmerica #PrayForAmericans #PrayForChange #PrayForHumanity #BaltimoreRiots